Saturday, September 12, 2009

“For all of us today, the battle is in our hands. The road ahead is not altogether a smooth one. There are no broad highways to lead us easily and inevitably to quick solutions. We must keep going.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

In today's world with today's economy this quote can be very inspiring it tells us that in the next few years things are not going to be easy and there are going to be no quick solutions to our big problems. We must still, even though times may be tough, keep on going forward because if we stop now we might just loose the battle. This quote is also good for everyday life when you feel like there is no escape and you have hit rock bottom, you just have to think to yourself, just keep going. If the only way you can go is up why not go up. Why stay at the bottom of a well when you can climb up the bucket rope and see the world again.

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